On This Day 3-2-2020: Bros & Bikes

This is one of my favorite types of shoots, the ones where I photograph two bros doing bro things on their bikes! This is the first bobble head (or chibi what I like to call them), that I did of a bros doing bro things.


These were pretty popular back in 2015-2019. I am not the one’s who popularized these (credit to PXLPMP wherever you are) but I made a few popular ones including this one. I liked doing this style but I did get bored of making them. I may do them once in a while for fun or if someone I am photographing requests for one. If you’re in Hawaii and have a bro, even couple shot and wants one, let me know!

Image Info:
Camera: Sony A7RIII 
Lens: Sony 70-200mm f2.8 
Settings: ƒ4.0 | 1/160s | ISO200
Editing Software: Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop