Yamaha R6 on Tatooine

I did kind of mention that I didn’t want to just focus on motorcycles anymore but I made this piece because I was messing around in Blender more than anything. For months I was wondering what I wanted to focus more on and I think I wanted to dive more into 3D, specifically making 3d environments.

I always liked the idea of creating worlds so 3d environment design would be a good path to try out. I’ve done it before here and there and know it will take a while but I do want to keep this as a hobby as to not burn myself out again.

Another problem I am kind of running into is that I have a 2020 27″ iMac on my desk that I use for work and it is horrible for 3D rendering. The pain I had rendering this was unbearable. My gaming PC is now in my living room for you guessed it, gaming but it renders 3D so much faster. Now I need to figure out how to it back on to my home office desk.

Anyways, you probably just came here to get a wallpaper. Made it in square format so it can be used both vertical for phones and horizontal for desktop. So here you go and thanks for the visit!