At least that’s what I got from this image. Sometimes ridiculously posing couples at a photoshoot can be fun. 😆 Thanks to Ride Rich for…
It’s MY Turn on the S1000RR!
iPhone 12 Pro Max ProRAW Motorcycle Test Shots
I decided to upgrade to the iPhone 12 Pro Max around mid December 2020 after having my iPhone 8 Plus for a few years. I…
R1 Generations
This was a quick side project edit from some of the R1 front faces edits I made as one of the project I am working…
Cyberpunk R1
I logged onto Facebook for the first time in practically two months and was greeted with a bunch of notifications but one of them was…
Look! A Hi-Viz S1000RR!
I photographed this Neon BMW S1000RR on January 23rd, which was my first shoot of 2021 and after taking a 1.5 month break. I kinda…
My favorite edit of 2020 had low Instagram likes
It is already the end of the first month of 2021 and as much as I want to forget 2020, I cannot help but reminisce…